In September 2023, we consulted with local residents, via a survey (online and paper copies), about a proposed scheme to introduce 20mph limits in the town centre. Thank you to everyone who took part. In total, we had 337 responses: 70% of which were
in favour of the suggested scheme and 30% were against. The Town Council has considered the results of the consultation, along with the additional responses collected as part of the consultation, and has asked Wiltshire Council’s Local Highway & Footway Improvement Group to proceed with 20mph limits at the following locations:

Newlands Road (from its junction with Priory Street to Pickwick Road)
Pickwick Road (from the War Memorial to The Tynings)
Station Road (from its junction with Pickwick Road to Williams Grove)
Pound Pill (from the War Memorial to its junction with Stokes Road)
Wiltshire Council will now look at costing up the scheme and the Local Highway & Footway Improvement Group will need to decide whether to fund and implement the scheme. Should they do so, the Traffic Regulation Order for the areas will need to be officially amended before any changes to the speed limits take place.