Corsham Neighbourhood Planning Delivery and Monitoring Group
Having a Neighbourhood Plan allows the Town Council a greater say in where new homes, employment land and infrastructure should be, and what it should look like. Corsham has had a Plan in place since November 2019 and the Delivery and Monitoring Group ensures that the policies in the Plan are put into effect.
You can find out more about the Neighbourhood Plan, the work of the Group and how to become a member at www.corshamneighbourhoodplan.co.uk
Corsham Railway Station Town Team
The Town Team is a group made up of Town Councillors and external stakeholders, including Wiltshire Council, the MP and TransWilts, who are working together on bringing a new railway station to Corsham.
You can find out more about the Town Team and the situation regarding the station at www.corshamrailwaystation.org
Corsham Youth Council
Corsham Youth Council (CYC) is a voice for young people in the town. Following the pandemic, when they were unable to meet, representatives from the local schools, primary and secondary, now meet every term to discuss issues relevant to them that are then reported back to the Full Council. In the past CYC has often been asked to help with the work of the Town Council, including choosing equipment for play areas; running campaigns and surveys and attending events. Young people who live in Corsham but do not attend school locally are also eligible to join.
For more information about CYC contact sthomas@corsham.gov.uk.
Minutes from the latest CYC meeting
Environment Task Group
The Town Council’s Environment Task Group considers issues regarding climate change and sustainability within Corsham, from discussing the installation of solar panels with large businesses and looking at biodiversity at the Town Council’s open spaces to encouraging everyone locally to recycle as much as they can.
There is also a Nature Conservation Volunteer Group who have helped the Town Council to plant trees and hedgerows.
You can find out more about the work being done by the Environment Task Group on the Climate Change and Environment page on the website.
Community Wellbeing Working Group
The Town Council’s Health and Wellbeing Working Group was formed in October 2020, initially in response to the Covid pandemic and the impact it would have on the physical and mental health of everyone in the Corsham community. The Group, made up of Councillors and external stakeholders, helps to support, promote and fund local initiatives and projects for all ages, with a focus on young people, families and the elderly and vulnerable.
Notes from the latest meeting of the Community Wellbeing Working Group
Sports Forum
The Sports Forum is an opportunity for representatives from the town’s various sports clubs to share news, hear the Town Council’s latest update and find out about grant funding and support available from both the Town Council and Wiltshire Council. The Sports Forum usually meets two or three times a year.
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Monday: 9am – 5pm
Tuesday: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday: 9am – 5pm
Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 9am – 4.30pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed