
Full Council

Full Council

What the full Council does

The aim of Corsham Town Council is an engaged community making life better through equality, accessibility and inclusivity.

The 20 elected Councillors who make up the Town Council represent over 14,000 people across four wards: Corsham Gastard, Corsham Ladbrook, Corsham Neston and Corsham Pickwick. Together they work in partnership with a number of organisations, including Wiltshire Council, to improve local services and ensure the needs of those who live, work and visit here are met.

The Town Council is non-party political, meaning each Councillor can concentrate on what matters to the town and vote as an individual.

Responsibility for the work of the Town Council is split into three committees:

Community Services

Finance and Administration

Property and Amenities.

The Town Council also responds to planning matters at Council meetings.

Matters arising from these meetings, along with strategic and corporate issues, are discussed at Full Council which takes place on the second Monday of each month.

All Full Council, Planning and committee meetings are open to the public.

Calendar of meetings 2024-25

Public Participation at Council Meetings

Recording, Filming, Photographing and Broadcasting Town Council Meetings 

Next meeting date

Monday 12 August 2024 – 7pm at Corsham Town Hall

Previous minutes

Agenda & Minutes Monday 8 July 2024

Agenda & Minutes Monday 10 June 2024

Agenda & Minutes Monday 13 May 2024