At the beginning of 2021, in response to the issues around physical and mental health and general wellbeing caused by the pandemic, the Town Council decided to look at health and wellbeing within the Corsham community. A Health and Wellbeing Group (since renamed the Community Wellbeing Group) made up of Councillors and external stakeholders, was formed to focus on young people, families and older/vulnerable people.
The Town Council is not allowed to run health services itself, but it can support, promote, commission and facilitate others to do so.
Projects so far have included:
Creation of a Mental Health Support Leaflet for young people.
Funding music therapy and art therapy sessions for students at The Corsham School.
Funding and supporting activities for older people, including Creative Lunch, Movement for Wellbeing and the Slipper Exchange.
Working with local schools on Health, Wellbeing and the Environment projects.
Funding The RISE Trust to increase the provision they offer Corsham’s families with under-5s.
Working with RISE Youth Services to fund two detached youth workers in the town for two nights each week.
Funding and supporting Corsham Youth Zone – the youth club run at Springfield Campus on Friday evenings.
Supporting and promoting Corsham Community Club – a lunch club/group for anyone wanting company, held at Springfield Community Campus.
Assisting external stakeholders, including Wiltshire Council’s new Prevention and Wellbeing team and Corsham Connections.
If you would like to know more about the work the Town Council is doing, or would like help and support with a project, do get in touch with Vickie Fauset, Community Services Officer (Health and Wellbeing)
Useful Links
Wiltshire Council’s Health and Wellbeing Information
Wiltshire Council’s Mental Wellbeing Information, including the Five Steps to Wellbeing.
Wiltshire Council’s Public Health Information
Council Tax Benefits and Financial Support