Corsham Town Council fully acknowledges the Climate and Ecological Emergencies. We are committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our community in support of Government and Wiltshire Council targets to reduce carbon emissions. We are implementing a carbon reduction action plan for our own operations which will enable us to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030. From 2022, we will implement a biodiversity action plan to protect and enhance our green and blue infrastructure.

Climate and Ecological Emergency declared by Corsham Town Council, 11 October 2021.

For more details on the specific actions that Corsham Town Council has committed to achieving, click on the links to our Action Plans to the right.

Many of the Town Council’s plans are supported by Corsham Climate Action (formerly known as Transcoco), who aim to develop local solutions to local sustainability issues. Among other things, CCA members run regular litter picks, are working on the new community garden at The Pound and are responsible for the Corsham Recycling Hub at Springfield Campus on Beechfield Road. They have also produced the A-Z Reuse and Recycling Guide for Corsham. Printed copies of which are available at the Town Hall, Recycling Hub and other locations around the town.

The Town Council launched Corsham Environment Task Group in 2019 to reduce the carbon footprint of our community in support of Government and Wiltshire Council targets and commitments to reducing carbon emissions. The purpose of the Task Group is to influence, facilitate, communicate and carry out a wide range of projects that will result in a lower carbon footprint for Corsham parish area. Anybody is welcome to join the Task Group.

The Town Council has also instigated a Nature Conservation Volunteer Group. Contact the Town Council’s Environmental Project Officer ( if you would like to join the Group or want to know more about any aspect of the Town Council’s environmental work.

Action Plans & Policies

Climate Change Action Plan
Biodiversity Action Plan
Environment Policy
Sustainable Procurement and Investment Policy
Local Environmental Action Directory

Sign Up to join a group below

Environmental Projects and Initiatives

Wildflower Meadow Planting
Tree Planting
10 Top Tips for Reducing your Carbon Footprint
Town Council Electric Vehicle
Calculating Corsham Town Council's Carbon Footprint
Recycling Bins
Town Council Retrofitting your home to achieve Net Zero Vehicle
Corsham Community Garden
Corsham Eco Fair
Plastic Free Corsham
Biodiversity Action Plan

Our Commitment to Climate Action

Corsham Town Council fully acknowledges the Climate and Ecological Emergencies. We are committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our community in support of Government and Wiltshire Council targets to reduce carbon emissions. We are implementing a carbon reduction action plan for our own operations which will enable us to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030. From 2022, we will implement a biodiversity action plan to protect and enhance our green and blue infrastructure.

Climate and Ecological Emergency declared by Corsham Town Council, 11 October 2021.

For more details on the specific actions that Corsham Town Council has committed to achieving, click on the links to our Action Plans below:

Corsham Climate Action Plan(NEED LINK)

Biodiversity Action Plan(NEED LINK)

Environment Policy 2022(NEED LINK)

Many of the Town Council’s plans are supported by Corsham Climate Action (formerly known as Transcoco), who aim to develop local solutions to local sustainability issues. Among other things, CCA members run regular litter picks, are working on the new community garden at The Pound and are responsible for the Corsham Recycling Hub at Springfield Campus on Beechfield Road. They have also produced the A-Z Reuse and Recycling Guide(NEED LINK) for Corsham. Printed copies of which are available at the Town Hall, Recycling Hub and other locations around the town.

The Town Council has also instigated a Nature Conservation Volunteer Group. Contact Beth Searle, the Town Council’s Environmental Project Officer ( if you would like to join the Group or want to know more about any aspect of the Town Council’s environmental work.

Environmental Projects and Initiatives


Tree Planting – Corsham Primary School’ March 2022 (date tbc)

Eco Fair – Town Centre and Springfield Campus, 2nd April 2022

Beechfield Nature Area Family Day, 9th April 2022 (prebooked tickets only)

Tree Planting

Trees act as a natural carbon capture and storage machine through their photosynthesis process where trees absorb atmospheric carbon and store it for centuries. An additional1.5 million hectares of woodland (which is the same land area as Yorkshire) need to be planted to reach net zero. Corsham Town Council is committed to planting more trees in any suitable area to help contribute to this large target. Planting trees will also help to restore the 13% of biodiversity loss that the UK has suffered since 1970. By planting new native species in Corsham we will be providing havens for wildlife and boosting local biodiversity.

In December 2021, Corsham Town Council carried out two, large-scale tree planting projects planting a total of 58 trees.

Thirty-five volunteers helped Corsham Town Council plant 40 trees at Coppershell in Gastard: 12 Wild Cherry, 12 Silver Birch, four Alder, four Pussy Willow, four Hazel, three Horse Chestnut and an Oak were planted, along with a hedgerow and wildflower meadow.

Another five volunteers helped Corsham Town Council plant 18 new trees at Beechfield Nature Area. Seven Silver Birch, five Field Maple, four Rowan, one Common Beech and an Oak were planted.

Wildflower Meadow Planting

Wildflower meadows create a variety of colours, shapes and smells, providing an interesting display throughout spring, summer and autumn that attracts and supports a range of species such as butterflies, bees, insects and birds. These populations are dwindling, particularly in built up areas. By planting nature-rich wildflower meadows in our parks and green spaces we are providing havens for populations of native pollinators. New wildflower meadows have been sown at Springfield, Neston, Coppershell and Beechfield.

Recycling Bins

We have installed three new recycling bins in the High Street as well as three recycling bins at Springfield and one at Meriton inside the play area. In these bins you can ONLY recycle paper, card, plastic, tins and cans. Glass and any other materials not listed cannot be recycled in them.

Town Council Electric Vehicle

In August 2021 Corsham Town Council purchased a new electric pick-up vehicle for use by the Council’s ground staff. The all electric, zero emission, Group G4 pick-up is helping to reduce the Council’s carbon footprint as the vehicle is used to carry out general maintenance tasks on a daily basis. With a range of between 47-106 miles and a payload of up to 1,200kg the vehicle is well equipped to meet the needs of our ground staff’s activities. We will look to change more of our ground maintenance vehicles to electric as and when our other vehicles need replacing.

Calculating Corsham Town Council’s Carbon Footprint

Corsham Town Council is working with Carbon Footprint Ltd to calculate and report the carbon footprint figures for the Council’s operations. This will enable us to know how many tonnes of carbon our operations are emitting and help us to work towards our commitment of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2030

10 Top Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Improve the energy efficiency of your home

Upgrade your heating system, choose to purchase energy efficient appliances with a high energy efficiency rating and insulate your home to prevent energy l oss and reduce your household’s carbon emissions. Warm and Safe Wiltshire is a Wiltshire Council provided service that provides energy saving advice to residents.

Switch to a renewable energy provider for your home

Chippenham-based Good Energy is a renewable energy provider promising to provide 100% renewable electricity for your home.

Switch to low carbon travel wherever possible

Using public transport or active travel (walking/ cycling) instead of a petrol or diesel private vehicle will reduce your transport emissions. If you can switch to an electric car you will reduce your vehicle tailpipe emissions to zero. Although the initial cost of purchasing an electric car is higher than a petrol or diesel equivalent, the running costs over its lifetime are much lower which should help to balance the initial outlay.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Everything we buy has a carbon footprint due to the emissions emitted during the making and/or transportation of the product. By reducing your consumption and reusing products whenever possible you will greatly reduce your consumption emissions. Recycle whatever you can no longer use. Corsham Recycling Hub is now enabling Corsham residents to recycle a wide variety of normally hard-to-recycle waste.

Reduce your meat and dairy consumption

Meat and dairy accounts for 83% of farmland use and produces 60% of agriculture greenhouse gas emissions. The Vegetarian Society claims that switching to a vegetarian diet for a year would save the same amount of carbon emissions as taking a small family car off the road for six months.

Buy Local

And choose seasonal fruit and vegetables to reduce the number of food miles your food is travelling.

Reduce your food waste

Approximately 1.3 billion tonnes, which equates to one third of the food produced worldwide for human consumption, is waste. This food waste releases methane gas into the atmosphere and speeds up the impacts of climate change. Planning your food shops and sticking to recipes, as well as using up leftovers, will reduce your food waste – and save you money.

Support local and sustainable businesses when purchasing new items

Check the environmental credentials of the businesses you choose to support and check how far your purchases are travelling to get to you.

Volunteer to improve your local environment

Join the Corsham Nature Conservation Volunteer Group to help out with planting and conservation projects. Email if you would like to be added to the mailing list and be informed of upcoming projects that need volunteers.

Calculate your personal carbon footprint.

You can see what activities in your daily routine are the biggest contributors to your personal carbon emissions. The WWF Footprint Calculator is just one you can find online.

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